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Meal Prep with Stef

We are talking all things meal prep and tips you need to know! Lock-In for the next 10 min for a quick how-to on preparing your meal prep.

Ugh Meal Prep… I Don’t Have Time!

Yes you do, I promise! Meal prep can seen overwhelming at times and I want to make sure we can help ease the pain. Our days fly by so fast and get so busy that we forget to even think about food until we get hungry and have nothing to eat but fast food. This is where meal prep comes into play! As someone who advocates for meal prep, I also understand there’s a method to the madness and I want to share that with you. So let’s get into it!

In this video I’ll talk about the following..

  • Tips for quick meal prep
  • When to prep your food
  • Repurposing you leftovers (refer to our earlier blog here)
  • Q&A : To Freeze or Not, Portion Size, and money savers

Still have questions?

Leave a comment on the video or in the comment section of this blog. If you would like something a little more private, feel free to email us at info@gopowerportions.com. We love answering your question and remember no question is a bad question!

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